Hustler Tunnel
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Wildcat 16 Semi - Catamaran Sport Hull
Langth - 16' - 2"
Beam - 82"
Depth - 24"
Transom Hight - 18"
Power Range - 75 - 110H.P.
Weight - 703 lb
Year - 1965 - 1967 ??
Colors: Red, Blue, or Yellow "Fire - Glass"
Ride - Guide Steering
Ski Tow Eye
Chrome Bow Eye
Self Bailing Well
Vinyl Rub Rail
Back - To - Back Bucket Seating
Swept Windshield
Wooden Steering Wheel
De luxe Upholstered Seats
Special Custom Colors
Price $1395
What I think I know about the boat.
The Hustler Tunnel was originally made by Jim Umbarger at Hustler Boats in Illinois. Howard Pipkorn was buying boats from Jim at Hustler Boats, then started to make his own version of the boat. I have heard numbers ranging from 21 to 50 of these boat where made. Some were made for racing, run with 100hp motors while some had front and back seats with carpeting for normal boating.
I'm hopping to set down with Richard Kojetin (a friend and employee of Howard at the time) to get more information about the boat.